Sunday, April 29, 2007

(Extra Credit) Follow up on new trends

After writing my review of what I have learned this year about guerrilla marketing, I decided to stay in tune with the newest trends and see how creative people were becoming with their advertising ideas.

And wow, was I ever impressed. These new ideas have really got me thinking. I wonder if the creatives of this work are traveling on a subway to work, just looking at normal objects and putting their clients product in place...

Or perhaps they wake up from a wild dream after brainstorming the night before on a pitch that's due the next day. Maybe they wake up from the half-reality, half-surreal state and come up with some really outgoing advertisements...

Either way, the power and pull of these ideas are amazing. Though some may see them as rather invasive, and even somewhat dangerously distracting, I feel they have distinct advantages over traditional advertising.

-garnish attention and making people stop and read the message
-lasting impressions
-gives company name a creative and innovative image
-impresses people
-make people think

Possible disadvantages:
-too invasive/distracting (accidents/annoying)
-short effect
-limited reach

To me, the advantages certainly outweigh the disadvantages. If I were a client in this day and age, I would work more on integrated these guerrilla tactics alongside other traditional methods, gaining both side's advantages.

Check out the rest here.

Friday, April 27, 2007

(FINAL POST)- Guerrilla Progress

Several months ago marketers and advertising professionals were raving about the death of the 30 second television spot, and the detrimental effects to the industry. The truth is that these people did not fear the decreasing impact of TV advertising, but rather dreaded the total fall in traditional media approaches. By having the opportunity to create this my blogging project I was able to really tackle this issue as well as the crucial alternative to this potential conflict: guerrilla marketing and word of mouth/buzz advertising. By closely monitoring the industry and keeping up to date with blogs, AdAge weekly, the news, and other media networks, I was able to form my own opinion on whether or not traditional media was dying. More importantly, however, I was able to discover the fields of non-traditional advertising like WOM and guerrilla efforts, and was soon able to notice the power and potential of an ever-changing marketing tool.

Back in the beginning of the year people viewed buzz marketing as less accepted and unpredictable means of advertising, truly undermining the potential of its powers. There were the new trends, like moving billboards, segway advertising, and even bicycle advertisements. But deeper under the surface was a greater potential and creative way to reaching consumers of all markets. Starting around late January, stretching into early February, people had a nice glimpse at the power of this form of marketing/message relaying. Peter Berdovsky and Sean Stevens created a guerrilla campaign for the Cartoon Network show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, which quickly caused the city to seize activity momentarily. This example demonstrated nearly all aspects of what my blog was about. First, the guerrilla campaign was something non-traditional, and much unexpected by the mass public it reached. And when the work was released, an enormous amount of WOM began which spread the story to parts all around the world. It created a buzz, whether positive or negative, which attracted more people to the events, a large portion of which then paid more attention to the station’s show. Even if the effects were an indirect result from the desired outcome, the stunt caused a large increase in attraction to the show.

In other less subtle ways, guerrilla media has started to reach into other popular forms of media, including the Internet and certain social networks. With the help of certain software and programs, marketers have begun to mix guerrilla efforts with interactive consumer content. Blogs, including mine, have become the newest technological socializing method used by millions of people throughout the world. The advantage of this method allows marketers to not only create company blogs, but to also monitor the consumer activity concerning their business on other’s blogs. With consumers, not companies, spreading the messages about certain products and services through WOM, businesses are either sharing positive feedback and return, or negative publicity.

Furthermore, companies are also finding their ways into social networks like youtube, facebook, myspace, and more. Through hilarious video postings and clever company ideas, I was able to discover that this buzz form of marketing has the potential to create a great deal of WOM among consumers and explore several relatively new advertising outlets. What has been scaring marketers, however, is the interactivity involved in this network marketing, and the pull it has on consumers which decreases use of more traditional media choices.

With that said, I have noticed that companies would rather take advantage of this opportunity, rather than neglect and ignore these alternatives to “older” forms of advertising. By having this blog project, I was able to explore one of the newest forms of media: Second Life. This online world filled with imagination, creativity, and endless potential has sprung many ideas for advertisers all over. Companies like Coke and Mercedes have already begun to experiment with advertising in the Second Life world. They have been seen branding islands, creating brand representative Avatars to relay information in world, and even place their products in the “game” to allow people to purchase them. Again, these non-traditional efforts are all part of a campaign that causes greater buzz and attraction among consumers. To expand upon this more, advertising agencies and marketing firms have built in world islands which allow them to express their creative efforts and abilities to prospective clients and employees. Through my blog research I have begun to speculate that Second Life could be what the Internet was to companies several years ago.

Another advantage of this blog project was the ability to witness the advantage of such marketing efforts in this field. I was able to watch Chipotle, a McDonalds franchise spin-off, benefit from these forms of non-traditional advertising. The company was reported claiming that they barely use television spots and other traditional approaches. Instead, they rely heavily on quality customer service leading to increased customer satisfaction, which ultimately leads to more WOM between consumers. And in the end, the power of positive WOM can be worth 1000 television commercials. This is because a friend is more likely to credit and believe another friend who raves about a new restaurant like Chipotle.

Though guerrilla marketing and WOM tend to rely on non-traditional efforts, it shouldn't downplay certain traditional measures still affected in these fields. In fact, a recent incident involving Imus, a popular radio DJ, became so popular in the media that Nike decided to respond in one of the most traditional ways: a Magazine advertisement. The issue involved negative comments released by the DJ about a women’s basketball team, and the news of the event quickly spread through the power of WOM relaying on websites, video postings, and nearly every blog.

But the new trends are what seem to interest me most in this field of the industry. I discovered that with the help of buzz/guerrilla campaigning, certain industries and artists whom would usually reject marketing have now come to embrace these new methods. For example, Nine Inch Nails, a popular industrial band strongly against many forms of media, have taken advantage of such unexpected and untraditional methods. They have recorded certain tracks and hidden them on USB drives throughout their concerts during shows. After fans find these USBs they are encouraged to go to artist-created websites and blogs to review and spread the message of their events. It’s all an intricate plan devoted to increasing consumer (fan) involvement.

The only regret and complaint I have about this blog project is that our time was too limited to discover more about such an interesting field. In other words, I hope to expand my blogging experience and truly discover the fields of guerrilla marketing and buzz advertising. In my opinion, after extensive research and industry watching, I feel that guerrilla campaigns and efforts are the new ways for our generation. We are a tough to reach crowd, and a multitasking, multimedia consuming crowd. Without these unexpected and nontraditional ways, companies messages would be lost in the noise of more traditional displays. With that said, I feel the future of advertising lies within this field of the industry. Through experimentation and trail and error with guerrilla attempts, people have already come up with certain tools like building graffiti, which is yet to become a mainstream form of advertising. Certain uses of this marketing allow for enormous amounts of creativity and endless ways to create consumer buzz. If you don’t believe me, check out the new website, and see the power of WOM on a live feed. It’s going to be interesting to see where the future of buzz advertising takes us, and even more exciting to continue blogging and staying in tune with this interactive world.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

(Extra Cred.) A who new way to smell fragrences...

Second Life is a relatively new platform that has been offering endless creativity to the most imaginative people, including several business. But you may notice one thing wrong, Avatars cannot smell! For that matter, they barley have access to all 5 of their senses. How are businesses going to attract Avatars to their freshly cooked food products or lovely smelling roses?

Well now, Calvin Klein is saying who cares if the Avatars cannot smell their products, they can still experience them. And after all, isn't that whats most important, the brand experience.

CK is planning to launch their newest fragrance, CKIN2U, in Second Life for Avatars to experiment with. They are well aware that you cannot smell a product in SL, but have no objection to doing so and think it will be a new interactive way to stay in touch with the brand.

Since you cannot smell the fragrance, spraying it will form sparkling bubbles to form around you or other Avatars, initiating conversation among who ever is around.

Along with this new outlet, CK is teaming with Justin Bovington’s Rivers Run Red on the Avalon island in Second Life. And according to the blogs
CK will be holding a photography contest with a grand prize of 1 million Linden (SL) dollars. UK visitors will also be able to visit a website to order a free sample of the fragrance.

Personally, I think this new launch strategy is a great idea. Judging from the recent television ads for this new fragrance, CK is trying to target a slightly younger, teenage/young adult market (18-24). Using such social networks like Second Life provide new ways of website traffic, interactive consumer involvement, and great ways to build brand awareness, desire, and image.

Though people cannot smell the product in SL, they also cannot feel the SL Lexus they drive, taste the SL Coke they drink, or feel the expensive clothes on your SL Avatars. Does this stop them from spending real money on these SL items? The answer is no.

CK is intelligently integrating the new forms of media and is making sure not to neglect a large outlet used by their target market. Hopefully this plan will help build positive brand image and an increase in awareness, driving a step closer to great sales.

To learn more, check out this site, or here

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Turning a positive into a negative?

Word of a brand new campaign has come out by Nike, a relatively short and specific campaign. In response to the ignorant remarks by Imus (WFAN radio host, Nike created a very simplistic looking print ad solely for New York Times source (particularly the Sunday April 15th edition).

The ad used an ample amount of white space and rather informal tone with its copy. Though simple, the ad has a very powerful message and will surely inspire and motivate not only women, but people all over the world.

What does this say about the issue?

Well, like the last line states, humankind has a long way to go. We have a long way to go with censorship, racial issues, ethnics, politics, gender agreements, and much more. But most importantly, in a very subtle way, it is saying Nike supports these insulted women, and recognizes that their company stands above these petty arguments. They are not coming straight out and saying we support these women, as well as all other athletic women, so buy our products! They are respecting their sponsored athletes, and noticing their feelings and rights beyond the court.

In my opinion, it is a very effective message and caring attitude to take. They are taking an approach that risks judgment and criticism from many other radio hosts and affiliations. There is a fine line concerning advertisements that cover such controversial issues, with such little time in between. Many people could say this is distasteful to take advantage of such a situation by putting your logo all over it, and saying they are here for them.

But Nike has always had a reputation of motivating and encouraging people of all kinds to be themselves. I think this ad perfectly displays their true feelings and attitude towards the situation. Plus, by limiting the medium to one edition of one magazine, I feel the ad as more of a PSA then an endorsement recognition.

Besides the fact, without such powerful word of mouth and buzz about the situation, this whole advertisement would have never been possible. It is amazing how quickly something is reported and turns into a nation wide concern.

I say thanks Nike, thanks for confronting and handling the issue properly.

Check out more here
or Nikewomen.

Monday, April 16, 2007

More sites of NIN

Just found some more sites released by Reznor, or at least in affiliation to the group NIN as part of their new viral marketing efforts:

NIN is changing the music industry...

It's not what you would expect from such a different band. And as much as Nine Inch Nails' lead man, Trent Reznor, claims it's not a marketing campaign, it really is. To promote their new album, Year Zero, NIN has begun a new marketing approach, something less traditional and more interactive with their fans and even live audience members.

Think of their new efforts as an interactive guerrilla campaign, except the volunteers who act in the campaign are fans, or even you! These efforts cover several tactics like text encrypted into t-shirts (revealing websites), Orwellian websites produced by the band, and my favorite, USB flash-drives found in bathrooms of the concert halls during NIN shows.

If you check out this site, you'll find multiple sitings of these reported USB findings. Reznor also comments on the drives saying they were just another way of circulating the music, and getting pass the outdated CD medium. In my opinion, this was a genius way of promoting the music of NIN. Not only does it drive people to their shows, giving them something exciting and thrilling to look forward to, it also provides one of the best forms of marketing: word-of-mouth. These songs that people find in the bathrooms on these drives are brand new, from the latest album, and not even released yet. After finding these, one is compelled to share their discovery with as many people as possible to spread the music.

These new was of marketing and promoting a band's music is taking campaigning to the next level. It provides people with an interactive "scavenger hunt," something to get people involved in the music and artistry behind the band. By exploring the above website, one can take a look into the haunting, yet intriguingly interesting stories of Parepin, a large influence to some of Reznor's chilling lyrics.

With the help of 42entertainment, NIN has produced a promotional campaign which has given fans enhanced access to the music, and a better way for people to become involved with what they love. Like mentioned in earlier posts, giving the consumer control and alternatives gives them the freedom they desire, and the desire to want more.

To check out more, visit this article.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

And you thought the iPhone was ahead of its game...

Technology is a rather spectacular subject. There are the advantages it brings, and there sure are the downfalls with its furtherance. Its latest advance, however, is something incredibly powerful, whether good or bad.

Companies like NeoMedia Technologies have undergone research and development to bring some of the most advance information retrieval to cellphones today. Picture yourself and other customers finding something you may want to purchase: a house, car, food/beverage product, or even service. What do you do? Well, depending on the product value, you usually research the product, whether it be its nutrition value, price, or performance. Usually, you may find yourself doing this on the Internet. Now, imagine yourself driving by a billboard that displays a message for a new car, pointing your cellphone at the sign, and receiving a text message that displays all of the product details (size, color options, price, monthly rates, etc). Intense, right?

Well the capabilities are already underway. McDonald's in Japan are allowing consumers to point their cellphones at a hamburger wrapper to acquire the nutritional information. They are even using cellphones to board airplanes, not paper tickets!

Think of the possibilities. You no longer will have to drive home back to your computer to do the research and the cool new product you saw while out. All of the retrieval will be done on spot.

In my opinion, it seems that the term "point-of-purchase," and even "impulse buys" have expanded their boundaries. It's like your product has a POP display wherever it stands for customers. People will most likely be more willing to make purchases with fewer waiting time in between their initial desire for the product, and the point it takes to decide.

Companies like Hewlett Packard are quick to jump on this new technology. They are teaming up with other companies, mainly Microsoft and Motorola , to further advance these capabilities and bring more convenience and power to the consumer. Advertisers will soon join this movement, once again changing the face of advertising and the way we make our purchases.

I agree with the article in saying that there will be a little difficulty in attracted consumers to truly utilize this option. Over time, people will probably lack the urge to go out and scan products and objects just for fun. Once the initial buzz of the new technology is over, advertisers are going to need to develop new ways to attract people to do this. People will not just randomly do it, you must provide an incentive or an intriguing factor.

I have been giving this some though and have come up with a couple ideas. First off, you could leave the customer wanting more with the actual physical message in the store. A sign for Axe Bodyspray may show a beautiful girl revealing a portion of her body, then the tag-line saying, "scan me to reveal more..." Or on a less riskier note, you could have a Pepsi POP say, "scan here to receive a promotional code to use at the register as a coupon."

The possibilities seem endless at this point. The only thing that worries me is the security precautions that may come with this new technology. For example, the use of the cellphones as plane tickets may just be a little too much. This could bring concerns as for forgery and other threats.

Check out more here .