Monday, January 29, 2007

Times 'a changing

The death of the 30 second spot...seems like this is all we have been hearing about for quite some time now. That and, "advertising is dying, consumers are gaining control over content now!" The truth is TV ads may be less effective, but they are not dead. Consumers have had control over their media for quite some time, now they are finally acting upon this advantage with such sites and programs like Torrence, YouTube, Peekvid, etc...

ever changing technology, advances in the Internet, and an increasing mobile network, Advertisers are left searching for what's next in the market, and how can they do it.

Solution: marketers are directing much of their efforts to such strategic tactics like buzz marketing, word of mouth, and viral advertising. In essence, it's a marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message. With the use of street teams, chat-rooms, email, and other spontaneous productions, marketers are changing the way they reach consumers, and truly utilizing the advancements available today.

My name is Jordan Trigilio, a sophomore studying Integrated Marketing at Ithaca College. My mission is to open up the world of viral marketing to you, tell you who is doing what, what it's costing, and the effectiveness of such campaigns. Hopefully Buzzy Bee will influence you in researching further into this subject, and to stay on top of the marketing industry. This blog will excite and intrigue you into telling others about it, and I don't blame you. After all, this is word of mouth, viral networking!


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