Monday, February 5, 2007

New trends...

As we know by now, companies are finding new ways and different strategies to effectively target their markets. One of their main goals in mind is to create a buzz, or to get people talking about something--similar to what super bowl ads do each year. Unfortunately, we are not blessed to have a super bowl everyday, nor are we lucky enough to generate that much buzz with our commercials.

To compensate for this, advertisers are turning to alternatives such as guerilla marketing campaigns and other outdoor, attention grabbing tactics. The strategy is to incorporate surprise which requires skillful planning. Tactically, your surprise on the marketplace will be too late for your competitors to react. Now we will talk about several rising campaign strategies and techniques used to "surprise" the masses, and create that viral buzz...

Moving Boards-- These portable boards are a brand new product recently introduced in the US that are sure to turn heads. This patented illuminated billboard is truly unique and offers advertisers the opportunity to reach consumers whenever and wherever they want, day or night. Boards are worn by Brand Ambassadors and offer signage on the back, as well as additional signage on the front (featured above their heads). Moving Boards are perfect for geo-targeting and are available in all markets across the country. Companies like Dodge, Ford, and Burger King have already jumped on the wagon and have been seeing increases in their sales already.

Segway Advertising-- To date Segways have been some of companies' most popular mediums. Segways offer advertisers an excellent opportunity to communicate with consumers anywhere and everywhere. Companies' Brand Ambassadors are trained on all aspects of a Client’s program and approach and interact with target audiences to communicate this. Segways offer elevated exposure and have a certain wow factor that attracts consumers. They are engaging, spark excitement and continue to meet and exceed Client expectations. Take a stroll on any busy NYC street and be prepared to chat with several Segway marketers!

AD Bicycles-- These bikes offer targeted bus shelter size signage and the opportunity to deliver high-impact impressions and dedicated exposure along pre-determined routes or in specific areas/neighborhoods. AD Bikes can travel anywhere a bicycle travels offering signage on both sides of the vehicle. Drivers may also be outfitted in branded apparel and can approach and interact with pedestrians and distribute collateral/promotional materials as desired. Similar to moving boards, these devices capture the attention of audiences and nearly force people to pay attention to this moving message in front of them.

Though all of these tactics (and more) are not seen flooding the United States' cities, be prepared. Tactics and strategies like these three are bound to catch on here and give advertising a whole new medium. I have personally experienced several of these campaigns, including many for movie trailers/openings. Something that has truly impressed me was the use of moving boards for the V for Vendetta movie, except the boards contained video footage! These new guerilla campaigns are evolving into something else, creating the buzz, and taking advertising to the next step!

When you implement the strategy and the tactical precision of a strong guerilla marketing campaign, you can take valuable impressions and impact the consumer face to face for a spike in awareness and profits...

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