Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Rap Cat...

Sometimes, franchises are known to have some hilariously random advertising campaigns. Such irrelevant work that you would think this stuff would never sell the product at all. Take Burger King's Buckin Chicken commercial. Obviously a funny play on words here, not a whole lot to do with the brand, but the commercial still ranked quite well in consumers mind's.

Well, Checkers, another burger franchise (less known), has decided to go down the same road. Instead of spending their advertising budget on typical TV spots, print ads, or billboards, they have devoted a large portion to Rap-Cat.. This is a very funny website devoted to Checkers' little furry mascot, a rapping cat. Hes got videos, a bio, music, extras, and even merchandise! People who visit the site can by ringtones, join the fan club, or buy their cats Rap-Cat accessories.

The clever part of this site are the commercials that are nicely woven in to the other content, making them rather funny and enjoyable to watch. Also, this is an age of nontraditional marketing, and pulling a stunt like this has the potential to greatly help your business.

As me and my friends watched this site, after laughing for several minutes, we started talking about how great it was. I hear one of the girls I was with say how she wanted to buy all of the cat accessories for her cat, and even get the ringtone. My other friend said how he had never heard of Checkers before, and is very intrigued to try it now.

This is a perfect example of buzz marketing, and word-of-mouth at its best. I congratulate Checkers for a job well done, and recognizing that perhaps an interactive website is whats best for certain consumers today.

Warning: listening/visiting this site will get the song stuck in your head all day!!!
(it even made VH1's top choices here

1 comment:

Kim Gregson said...

5 points for this week and 10 for the previous week
and 2 extra points for the indepth SL post - one of the best! thanks.