Wednesday, April 25, 2007

(Extra Cred.) A who new way to smell fragrences...

Second Life is a relatively new platform that has been offering endless creativity to the most imaginative people, including several business. But you may notice one thing wrong, Avatars cannot smell! For that matter, they barley have access to all 5 of their senses. How are businesses going to attract Avatars to their freshly cooked food products or lovely smelling roses?

Well now, Calvin Klein is saying who cares if the Avatars cannot smell their products, they can still experience them. And after all, isn't that whats most important, the brand experience.

CK is planning to launch their newest fragrance, CKIN2U, in Second Life for Avatars to experiment with. They are well aware that you cannot smell a product in SL, but have no objection to doing so and think it will be a new interactive way to stay in touch with the brand.

Since you cannot smell the fragrance, spraying it will form sparkling bubbles to form around you or other Avatars, initiating conversation among who ever is around.

Along with this new outlet, CK is teaming with Justin Bovington’s Rivers Run Red on the Avalon island in Second Life. And according to the blogs
CK will be holding a photography contest with a grand prize of 1 million Linden (SL) dollars. UK visitors will also be able to visit a website to order a free sample of the fragrance.

Personally, I think this new launch strategy is a great idea. Judging from the recent television ads for this new fragrance, CK is trying to target a slightly younger, teenage/young adult market (18-24). Using such social networks like Second Life provide new ways of website traffic, interactive consumer involvement, and great ways to build brand awareness, desire, and image.

Though people cannot smell the product in SL, they also cannot feel the SL Lexus they drive, taste the SL Coke they drink, or feel the expensive clothes on your SL Avatars. Does this stop them from spending real money on these SL items? The answer is no.

CK is intelligently integrating the new forms of media and is making sure not to neglect a large outlet used by their target market. Hopefully this plan will help build positive brand image and an increase in awareness, driving a step closer to great sales.

To learn more, check out this site, or here

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